
Monday, March 1, 2010

Istrian Fritule

Istrian Fritule

Istrian Fritule
(original recipe)

500 g flour
20 g fresh yeast
2 egg yolks
80 g raisins
zest of 1 lemon
50 g + 2 Tbsp sugar
20 g butter, melted
150-200 ml warm milk
50 ml rakija
5 g salt
about 500 ml oil for deep-frying
powdered sugar for dusting

Sift flour into a bowl. Add egg yolks, raisins, salt, 50 g sugar, butter, grated lemon zest and 25 ml rakija. In a large glass dissolve yeast with 100 ml milk and 2 Tbsp sugar, cover and let rise to fill the glass. Than add yeast to the flour and add enough milk so you get soft dough. Let it rest covered for about 30 minutes.

Heat oil in a deep pan. Takes pieces of the dough with a teaspoon and drop into hot oil. Fry on all sides until golden. Take them out on a paper towel to drain the excess oil.

After you have fried all the fritule, pour the rest of rakija over, transfer into a serving bowl and dust with powdered sugar.

Note: Ovo je moja ulaznica za FBI RUkavice, igru koju je osmislila mamajac. Istražujemo blog Recepti iz moje bilježnice.


  1. Jako su mi privlačne ove firitule, super su ti uspjele. :)

    Inače dugo te nije bilo,nadam se da si dobro i da si se već pomalo smjestila. :)

  2. Njam.. njammm.. prelepo!

    Posto je ovo spremno za "poneti" (a prva sam stigla)
    dakle njam.. njam :))

  3. odlicne su, i ja sam ih probala, ali nisu stigle ispred objektiva:)

  4. Andrea, tu sam ja, nego nisam imala net. Znaš kako je kad živiš sa roditeljima i oni brinu o svemu, pa onda počnes sam, a ne znaš šta te snašlo. Uspeli smo da nam isključe sve što je moglo da se isključi :D

  5. Mmm looks delicious. How can you go wrong with deep-fried dough?

    My mom used to make something like this when I was little.

  6. These look really delicious! Like little fried donuts of a sort. Cheers~

  7. savršene su! nisam ih još nikad probala raditi, ali moram :) ja radim neku verziju uštipaka s jogurtom, ali ovo čak i bolje zvuči :)

  8. sjajne su, i fritule i fotka :) drago mi je da ponovo imaš internet. nadam se da ćeš nas nešto ćešće uveseljavati svojim receptima :)

  9. Does it taste like doughnuts with dryfruits? Looks good. Rakija is something new to me. Haven't heard of it in our part of the globe!

  10. @Sunshinemom - Those are a kind of fritters. Here is a little info on rakija, but you can substitute it with either rum or brandy.

  11. Ja tako volim fritule, a tako me mrzi praviti ih...zato sa radoscu cekam svaki bozicni sajam onda (ovdje u Njemackoj) ima za kupiti u ogromnim kolicinama nesto slicno, a zove se Muzen.

  12. Prekrasne su !!
    Hvala ti puno na učešću u ovom krugu igrice, posebno me raduje što si isprobavala istarske recepte!

  13. Ciao,
    ho trovato il tuo blog per caso. Tanti tanti complimenti per un bellissimo blog!!!

  14. Wow! I love those fritters! beautiful pictures, too!

  15. Dear Marija, there is a surpirise awating you on
    You earned it, because I love the way you cook and take photos:) Amazing and inspiring!Congratulations
    Eto, čeka Te iznenađenje kod mene:)

  16. I love anything with yeast, anything with raisins and anything deep-fried... so these were practically made for me! I'll definitely try them sometime ("try" translating as "make them and eat them ALL myself"!). :-)

  17. Beautiful photos! I really like your site.
