
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Stuffed Tomatoes

Stuffed Tomatoes

Stuffed Tomatoes

8 ripe tomatoes
250 g day or two old bread
4 eggs
1 red onion
1 Tbsp dried basil
olive oil

Cut tops of tomatoes. Reserve to tops for later. Core tomatoes and place upside down to drain. Dice tomato core and place in a bowl with crumbled bread and 5 tablespoons olive oil. Add salt and let soak for about 2 hours.

Finely chop onion and saute on 4 tablespoons olive oil until soft. Add to the bread mix with beaten eggs and basil.

Salt tomato shells and stuff them with prepared filling. Top with tomato tops and bake in a preheated oven on 200°C for about 25 minutes. Let cool a bit and then sprinkle with olive oil and serve.

This recipe is from Sale&Pepe magazine, June 2010, Serbian issue.



  1. predivna fotka i izvrsno jelo, bez rajčice ne mogu živjet ;) radila sam slično, samo sa palentom i sirom.. njam :))

  2. wonderful presentations and a great recipe!

  3. Great idea for my ripening tomatoes. Thanks Marija!

  4. Marija, ja redovno citam tvoj blog, evo, oko 2 godine i zaista mi se svidja tvoj pristup receptima i fotografiji. Fotke su ti predivne!

    Ja zivim u Kaliforniji, ali svako leto provodim u Cacku. Beograd je moj grad od studija, i neizmerno sam srecna sto se u njemu mogu naci sastojci neophodni za recepte sa drugih meridijana (bar ih ti nalazis:)

  5. These look delicious! Can't make them until my recently planted tomato plants start turning out lucious, ripe tomatoes the perfect size for stuffing. I'm so excited about finding this blog, I've never made any Serbian food.

  6. ne ostavljam cesto komentare na tvom blogu. to nije zato sto ga ne citam vec ne zelim zvucati nekako glupavo slineci nad tvojim krasnim fotkama i jako finim jelima. evo, ovaj put kazem krasno! i slinim sve u sesanest!:) bas bih jednu takvu rajicicu na mom tanjuru sada. eee, ali realnost je ipak malo drukcija... em sto nije ljeto i rajcice nisu u sezoni, em sto me tek ceka kuhanje vecere...:)

  7. Prekrasno mi izgledaju ove rajčice, fotka je toliko divna da baš mami na jelo. :)

  8. Beautiful! And seems like a simple recipe. Thanks.

  9. Simple, presentable and I'm sure delicious! That's exactly my kind of food.

  10. Very good idea! Looks so delicious...

  11. Wow, I so love recipes with tomatoes. I especially love the red and plump ones. I am so blessed to have found someone like you who really knows how to spice tomatoes up. My kids will surely love it. If I can do it as you did. Great thanks.

  12. So simple and super delicious! That is how it should be. Great recipe, now I know what to do with those 10 tomatoes lying in my fridge tonight.

  13. Stuffed tomatoes is one of my favorite dishes. Somehow they manage to be fresh, comforting, and incredibly flavorful without being too heavy. Beautiful!

  14. Great photo and simple idea for a summer dish! Well done.

  15. Predivno! Upravo sam kupila Sale & Pepe i cim sam vidjela naslovnu stranu, sjetila se tvog posta koji me je (bas kao i naslovna strana casopisa) odmah privukao!!!!

  16. lovely use of left-overs, no more reason to waste.

  17. Marija,

    This is beautiful! I can't wait for my tomatoes to ripen to make this ;)
