
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oven Fries

Oven Fries

Oven Fries

about 500 g potatoes
about 500 g combination of carrots, celery root, parsley root, beetroot (or only carrots)
sunflower oil
spices of your choice*

Wash and peel the vegetables. Cut them like french fries as equal as possible. I used V-Slicer, but it can be done without it, only you'll need a little bit more time. If using beetroot, place it into a separate bowl, and combine the rest of the vegetables in another. Pour oil into a bowl, over the vegetables, only enough to coat them. Now add the spices and stir well to distribute them evenly. Repeat the same for the beetroot. Place everything on two large oven pans lined with baking paper. Take care that the pieces don't overlap. Bake in a preheated oven on 180°C for about 30 minutes. Beetroot will need about 10-15 minutes more.

*Hot pepper flakes, black pepper, curry, turmeric, powdered garlic, Vegeta seasoning, powdered ginger, bla, bla.... anything you like. Just keep it spicy, it's better that way. Add salt if you don't use Vegeta.

Oven Fries

Note: This is my entry for Weekend Herb Blogging, hosted this week by Rachel from The Crispy Cook.


  1. Obozavam ovakve jednostavne a ukusne stvarcice.
    Mogu zamisliti okus....

  2. What a great and healthy alternative to white potatoes! I adore your photos.

  3. Gorgeous photos!! n colourful and tasty looking too. :)

  4. Gorgeous! Looks and sounds wonderful!

  5. Fino, lijepo i zdravo, nema promasaja!
    Pozdrav Marija!

  6. uh što dobro ovo izgleda, a oduševljena sam i fotkom :)

  7. I'll have to check out parsley root sometime. What lovely photos of this awesome dish. Thanks for sending it on to Weekend Herb Blogging.

  8. Tempting and beautiful clicks....

  9. This is a great medley of root veggies. Wonderful idea to make fries out of them!

  10. You can't beat the flavour of roasted veg. Love the combination and colour you used

  11. Stvarno, svaki put se divim kompoziciji tvojih slika, treba imati maštu i talent za to.
    To znači voljeti fotografiju.Svaka čast Marija!

  12. Oven fried veggies is a great and healthy alternative to oil fried. I love them! Your fries are colorful and very tempting. Thanks for the recipe,Marija!

  13. These look so healthy and delcious! I love oven fries!!

  14. Ovo je stvarno fenomenalno Marija! I izvedba i fotke fenomenalne. Ovo ću čim prije isprobati :)

  15. odusevljena sam fotka i cijelom izvedbom!!!

  16. Dear Palachinka, your post on oven fries had me saying "Wild Thing", you make my heart sing! Loved and saved this recipe. I especially liked the idea of using carrots and celery roots. I shall revisit you soon. Thank you for sharing.
    Cheers, Gaby
    You can always visit me at

  17. These are so colourful and delightful. Would light up anyone's eyes when served at the table. I'm surely going to try these.
