
Saturday, January 30, 2010



Medovik is one of the most popular cakes in Russia. And for a good reason. After it appeared on Coolinarika everybody got crazy about it :) The version that I give you is with the sour cream (медовик со сметанным кремом) which is one of the variations of the cake, but the recipe I'd really love to see is by Farida and I hope she will post about it very soon :)

Update! Farida made her version of Medovik. From the comments section I realized this is probably the original version. And judging from the recipe, sounds to me that it's tastier to!

(original recipe by BADRUBULDURA)

For the dough

3 eggs
1 cup sugar
3 Tbsp honey
3 Tbsp soft margarine (such as Rama)
2 tsp baking soda
flour as much as you need to make the dough

Cook eggs and sugar in a double boiler until it doubles in size stirring continuously. In a bowl melt honey with the margarine and add to eggs. Continue to whisk then add baking soda.

Remove from heat and start adding sifted flour while still warm. You should add flour carefully until you get a very soft and sticky dough. Cover with a plastic wrap and let cool. Do not worry, the dough will harden after it cools. After that, start taking pieces of the dough, add more flour if needed, and flatten very thin on a piece of baking paper that is the same size of your large oven pan.

Bake in a preheated oven on 180°C while golden. It takes only a few minutes, so stay in front of the oven to react quickly.

How many biscuits you will make is completely up to you. I made 5, but after seeing Ljilja's version, think it will look far better with more layers.


For the filling

2 cups sugar
1,5 l sour cream

Whisk sugar with sour cream slowly. Careful, if you whisk too hard it may start looking like a soup :) Put it in the fridge to cool and harden a little while baking biscuits.

Assembling: Biscuit, filling, biscuit, filling... After that, wrap in a cling film and put in the fridge overnight. Put some weight on top.

Note: Ovo je moja ulaznica za ovomesečne kuVarijacije, igru koju je osmislila mamajac.


  1. Fantastično izgleda, a o slikama ne treba govoriti, kod tebe su one uvijek baš savršene!!

  2. That cake looks wonderful! I love anything with honey!



  3. i tebi je baš prelijepo ispao! i fotke mi se sviđaju, baš medovik izgleda mekano! bome i ja jedva čekam da blogerica Farida koju si navela u postu objavi svoju verziju, baš me zanima..:D

  4. Kad sam vidjela koji je recept odabran za ovaj mjesec nisam bila oduševljena i odmah sam odlučila da ga neću raditi. Ipak kad sam vidjela sve postove danas malo mi je žao da nisam bar pokušala. :)
    E sad stvarno između tvog i Majinog ne mogu odlučiti koji mi je ljepši.
    Savršeno izgleda i zahvaljujući vašim postovima potpuno sam promjenila mišljenje o ovom kolaču. :)

  5. odlicno izgleda. slike su sjajne.:)
    ja imam problem oko kreme. uz svo nastojanje da ju zgusnem bez dodavanja iceg drugog ne mogu dobiti pravu gustocu. zbog toga kore jos nisam napravila. potrazit cu ovih dana vrhnje drugog proizvodaca pa cu pokusati opet.:)

  6. Snježana, ako će ti biti od ikakve pomoći, ja sam koristila Imlekovu pavlaku od 20% mlečne masti.

  7. Eh, kada sad vidim još i ovaj tvoj ostajem bez teksta. Fantastično izgleda. Savršenstvo!

  8. Marija, super izgleda. Meni je tvoj lepsi jer je nizi, zato me je i Majin odusevio. Naredin put sigurno necu raditi soliter :))))
    Monsoon, ako imate ruske radnje, probaj da ga napravis sa smetanom, ona je dosta gusta i sadrzi 36% to 42 % masnoce, tako da krema bude dovoljno cvrsta, ne razvodni se tako lako :)))

  9. Marija, try Polish version for cream:
    3 cups of whole milk , 1 cup of sugar, 6 -7 tablespoon (Full) of Cream of Wheat - cook together til done, cool well (overnight).
    Cream well 2 sticks of butter (250 g) until pale and fluffy, add 2 egg yolks (you may cook them with cream of wheat), slowly add cream of wheat (in room temp)spoon by spoon, mix well. Spread some sour cheery jam on some cakes, then cream. Usually I make 7-8 very thin layers. Can be make a whole week ahead - then is the best! Cheers!

  10. Predivna fotka, kao uvijek od tebe Marija! Crveno - Rusija, Med i Medovik..predivno!

  11. Your desserts are always so beautiful. My mother was from Poland and so much on your site is like home to me. I still plan to try your poppyseed cake and have made and loved one of your other cakes. This looks awesome, also.

  12. This looks great, and I don't often say that about non-chocolate desserts!

  13. Anna, thank you so much! I will try it definitely! ♥

  14. Poz. Marija :)

    Snjezana pogledajte ovaj link s sc-a, da ne ponavljam.. skoro smo dosta pricali o medoviku:

    Moje sugestije da je medovik bez kondenzovanog mleka - "sgusonke" isto sto i npr. tiramisu bez piskota.. tj. procitajte da ne duzim!


    p.s. Prosledicu vam naknadno fotku medovika koji bih svima preporucila ;)

  15. Marija, your medovik looks great and very much like original. The one I make is pretty much the same, except the cream is different. I yet have to bake it:) Now that you have mentioned me,I have no excuse:) Maybe next week.

  16. It's beautiful!

    Sounds delicious, too :D

  17. This cake is very wonderful...Congratulation...well done!!!Also the photos are fantastic...see you soon a big hug...Luciana

  18. Oh, that looks absolutely divine! I love anything with layers, so this, with it's five gorgeous layers, is pure heaven!

  19. fenomenalno izgleda...baš mi je žao što ga nisam i ja stigla napraviti...

  20. This looks really, really good. I've never seen anything like it, but I think I might have to try making one myself!

  21. OH MY GOD, this cake looks so amazing, and that drizzle of honey is making my mouth water. Beatiful photos too. I think I need to make this!

  22. I love medovik. My mom makes this cake all the time. She adds chopped walnuts to the cream though, which is a great addition.

  23. Oh, that looks so good! And you've got such nice pictures of it. I made one a couple years ago for a dinner but I forgot to take a picture of it until it was on the table being served and then all I had was my cellphone :( I need to do another one. I'll have to think of some place to take it. I can't eat the whole thing myself (well, I probably could but I shouldn't :D )

  24. niti u tvoju izvedbu nisam niti najmanje sumnjala, savrseno sa savrsenim fotkama, kao i uvijek :)

  25. Marija, your medovik is so lovely. I've just mentioned on Ljilja blog that we have in Poland similar cake called "miodownik". I used to make this one for Christmas:
    I used to add some sour cream and gingerbread spices to the dough (the latter not very classic, but it is a nice touch for Christmas time IMHO).
    The filling is different (made with wheat cream, eggs, milk and butter)and the cake has a walnut-honey topping. Some Polish bakers make "miodownik" with sour cream but in a shape of swiss roll.
    I will try to make your version this weekend, it looks so yummy. What is the size of baking tin you used? Thank you for sharing a recipe.

  26. Hello Agnieszka! Thanks for stopping by! I am a huge fan of your blog!

    The pan is 33 x 38 cm. It's the flat pan that I got with my oven. But you can use another dimensions, it's just important to flatten it thin.

    Hope you like it!

  27. Obecano.. ispunjeno ;)


    p.s. Ovo je "Medovi Tort" pa kad dodjete u Moskvu obavezno probajte.. nije jeftino ali nije dzabe ona narodna "jedi malo jedi dobro" :)
    Dakle od sveg srca preporucujem jer je to torta koja ide u rangu s svetski poznatim tortama.
    Varijacija ima bezbroj ali se zna sta je "Medovik"!


    Svako dobro!

  28. ohhh, what a lovely and yummy blog i just found....yours!

    wil be back, lovely phoos too, cheers from london

  29. @majloV - Odlicno izgleda!!! Iskreno se nadam da cu nekada imati prilike da probam original.

  30. This looks fantastic. Honey is such a wonderful ingredient and this cake must taste absolutely wonderful. Love the shot of the honey drizzling on top of the cake.

  31. Cao, dragi prijateljice! Sar Ruskinja, Moskovljanka. Bila udata za Srbina i zato sam malo poznajem jezik :) Trazila informaciju za medovik i upala na as sajt. Procitala svi komentare i vrlo mi je drago da je vama se svidja ruski medovik. Samo da dopunim - po prodavnicama u Moskvi medovik kosta 237 din - 340g, 312 din - 560g. Dobrodosli u Rusiju, postovane kuvarice!

  32. just a quick question, what does 1,5 l sourcream mean..? The 1,5 l?

  33. I Serbia, sour cream is sold in 200 ml cups. 1,5 l is one and a half liter.

  34. I'm so happy I found your recipe because I had this cake while visiting Moscow last year and have been dreaming about it ever since. Now I can try to make it myself. Thanks!
