
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Smoked Salmon Ravioli

Smoked Salmon Ravioli

For the filling:

200 g potatoes
250 g smoked salmon
1 small red onion
10 g butter

Cook potatoes with their skin on, peel, then puree. Fry finely chopped onion a little with butter, add it to the potatoes, add chopped salmon and salt to taste.

For the dough:

200 g flour
100 g semolina
3 eggs

Knead everything into smooth dough, wrap in a kitchen cloth and let rest for about 15 minutes.


80 g butter,
a few branches of dill,
1 tsp of red peppercorns,

Melt butter and allow it to get some color, then add crushed peppercorns and chopped dill. Keep the sauce warm.

Smoked Salmon Ravioli, in the making


Flatten the dough into ribbons. If you use pasta machine start by flattening it twice on the thickest size, and then continue for the next two sizes. Take one ribbon, place a few teaspoons of filling on a distance that fits your cookie cutter. Cover with another ribbon of dough, pres around the filling piles and cut ravolis with a star shaped cookie cutter (I used 8 cm diameter star). Cook raviolis in a lot boiling, salted water. When they're done, pour sauce over and serve warm.

Note: I made this dish as a part of Sale & Pepe Tasting Team for January/February 2009 issue and I'm sending this to Ruth of Once Upon a Feast for Presto Pasta Nights. If you'd like to participate, send your entries to ruth (at) 4everykitchen (dot) com.


Recept na srpskom.


  1. That is some ravioli recipe you have published there! YUM!

  2. fotka savrsena a zvezdast oblik skroz originalan!

  3. This looks and sounds really delicious. I'm not a big fan of salmon, but I'd probably like it this way.

  4. I love the stars! They look so delicate and delicious!

  5. Zvezde ukusne i lepe! Trazim dobar recept za pastu - sigurno sam ga nasla!

  6. Zbilja imaš pregršt zanimljivih recepata, a fotke su mrak. Jako mi je drago što na ovaj način vidim recepte iz Sale&Pepe jer ga kod nas nigdje nema za kupiti. :)

  7. Gorgeous !!! and these look delicious :) I like the star shaped :)

  8. Perfect and beautiful! :)

  9. how many does this feed?

  10. @cake_lover - I am not quite sure, I made it for me and my little brother and we had some leftovers. I'd say 3 grown ups certainly.

  11. This sounds fantastic, and I love the start shape!

  12. I am seriously drooling all over my keyboard ; -)

    Thanks so much for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.
