
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Homemade Peanut Butter

Homemade Peanut Butter

Saw this one on "How it's made" show years ago. It is said that the recipe dates from 1860, and that it's the original method of the early industrial production of peanut butter.

Homemade Peanut Butter

565 g raw peanuts (without the shells)
1 tsp salt
5 tsp sugar
3 tsp sunflower oil

Toast peanuts in a preheated oven on 240°C until it turns into light brown color. Let cool and then remove the brown coats.

Making Peanut Butter

Now, remove the germs. I know it sounds like a pain in the ass, but it only takes about 15 minutes or so :) It is not necessary to remove the germ, but it makes the butter slightly bitter and it's what distinguishes the good one from the others.

Making Peanut Butter

Grind in a poppy seed grinder (not meat grinder) or some other grinder that is capable of grinding it completely into paste. Add sugar, salt, oil and mix with a mixer.

Heat everything to the temperature of 60°C, then let cool into 38°C. Store in sterilized jars.

This amount makes about 500 g of peanut butter and can be stored for up to a year outside the fridge (so the show said, mine never lasted that long).


  1. Marija, I just bought 2 packets of peanuts to make peanut butter! What a coincidence! I always loved homemade ones better than store bought!

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. That's great Ria! :)

    I'd love to see your recipe!

  3. What an interesting recipe! Maybe I will try it.
    And...welcome back! We missed you!

  4. uff fenomenalan je.. ja ga ne jedem inače, ali kad sam razmišljala ubaciti ga u jedan recept, definitivno sam mislila napraviti domaći namaz.. i ovo drveno posuđe i općenito sve što je od drva obožavam, nedavno sam ga i ja nabavila, ne sve, ali svaki mjesec po jedan komad :D

  5. What a great idea!I will try it, thanks!!

  6. I wish I could make this but I don't have a grinder :( Looks great!

  7. 1860s? Can't beat a classic like this!

  8. Marija is it possible to omit the sugar? What do you think?

  9. I don't know about sugar. Suppose you could omit it.

  10. Moze i bez secera, samo lepo i glatko da se samelje. Vodenica za mak je idealna.
    Poz. iz Kalifornije!

  11. I made this two days ago and it is so delicious :)

  12. I am a homemade peanut butter fan but I've never added sugar to mine. Yum...that slight characteristic sweetness is a result of the sugar. Gream photo

  13. Odlično izgleda i sigurna sam da je to prava koncentrirana aroma kikirikija.
    Kako znam mnoge ljubitelje ovog namaza mogal bi ih razveseliti s teglicom domaćega. Hvala ti na receptu. :)

  14. aaa, koja fotka! fenomenalno... ja sam isprobala domaći maslac prije nekih godinu dana i oduševio me. od onda radim i maslac od badema i lješnjaka. arome i koncentracija okusa su za pasti u trans! :)

  15. May Ling Wu, you don't need a meat grinder. You can just use a food processor or magic bullet.

  16. wow, go you- that looks awesome!

  17. I've never tried making my own peanut butter before, but you make it sound so easy that I may have to give it a go!

  18. Odličan ti je recept!Meni je bolji ovaj domaći...

  19. Thanks for the post. I have been wanting to make peanut butter for some time now. This looks great!

  20. WOWWWWWWWWWWW...Fantastic!!!...Delicious!!!....MMmmmm..
