
Friday, July 23, 2010

Mini Puff Pastry Rolls

Mini Puff Pastry Rolls

Mini Puff Pastry Rolls

2 sheets of puff pastry (250 g each)
175 g fresh and soft cow milk cheese
100 g wet cured ham, finely diced (I used the one made from turkey breasts)
2 egg yolks
30 g grated Parmesan
sesame seeds
freshly ground black pepper

Squash cheese with a fork. Add 1 egg yolk, Parmesan, pepper, salt, ham and 1 teaspoon thyme

Flatten each sheet of pastry very thin, cut out as large circles as you can out of each and divide each circle into 12 segments. Place about a full teaspoon of filling onto each segment and roll.

Line a large oven baking pan with baking paper and place rolls on it. Beat remaining egg yolk with salt and using a pastry brush, spread some of it over the rolls. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Bake in a preheated oven on 200 °C for about 20 minutes.

Note: This recipe is adapted from Sale&Pepe magazine, Serbian issue for May 2010.



  1. I ja sam ošacovala ovaj recept u prošlom broju, dopada mi se parmezan u filu...jedva čekam novi broj pa da eksperimentišem....

  2. Wow, well done great click.
    Delicious mini puff pastry rolls, so perfect.
    Wishing you a great weekend ♥

  3. Preslatko izgledaju ovako malene, a i nadjev mi je izvrstan.

  4. Uh, sto moja deca vole lisnato testo! Za dorucak im pravim razne varijacije, pa bih mogla i ovu da dodam, da im ne bude dosadno! Naeavno da su razmazene. Forka ti je super, kao i obicno.
    Pozdrav iz Kalifornije.

  5. fenomenalne kiflice i sjajna fotka! ja sam imala takav tanjur kad sam bila mala i uz njega je u kompletu bila i šalica/lončić s poklopcem. iz ničeg drugog nisam htjela ni jesti ni piti :))

  6. Loving this! I'm a puff pastry fan, and filling it with that yummy turkey breast and fresh cheese, I almost taste how great this would be!

  7. I like this idea of rolling the ingredients in the puff pastry. These sound wonderful for anytime of the day...even snack!
