
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Peanut & Sesame Butter

Picture 019

100 g textured soy chunks
100 g peanuts
100 g sesame seeds
soy milk
1 Tbsp brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp citric acid (optional!)

Picture 014

Cook soy chunks until soft. Strain them. Roast peanuts and sesame seeds (separately) until lite golden color, do not roast too much because it can get bitter. Peel peanuts and and grind them with sesame in a poppy seed grinder. Add sugar, soy chunks, salt and citric acid and puree in blender. Use soy milk to control thickness.

In this recipe citric acid is completely optional and it's here in order to prevent butter to change color. If you don't feel comfortable with citric acid as a food additive, just omit it.

Store butter in a fridge for 7 days. It never stayed longer than that time in mine so I'm not quite sure about keeping it for longer period of time.

Picture 005


  1. your pictures are beautiful. gorgeous website. found you off daring bakers.

  2. Hey, palachinka, I'm reading and reading all over again, and I can't find the soy chunks in preparation method, although they're listed in ingredients :( can you help, please?

  3. Zmuj thank you! I've made the correction. Guess you were the first to actually read the post ;)
